Wednesday, March 13, 2013

WEEK 9 THE FINALE - The Bachelor 2013 (Sean)

The Bachelor 2013 finale aired Monday, March 11. As expected, it answered a few questions for Bachelor Nation. Who wrote the letter? Will Sean pick the girl who's less attractive and doesn't sleep naked?

Catherine the disgusting meets Sean's family - Gross. 

Lindsay, sleeps naked, meets Sean's family - Lindsay hits it off with the fam as expected.  She's also wearing this short dress showing off her smokin hot legs.  When she goes to meet Sean's dad, she's barefoot... and I gotta tell ya, there is nothing better than a hot chick barefoot.  She's just all the closer to being naked.

Final date with Lindsay, sleeps naked - Sean and Lindsay took a shitty raft down some awful river or some shit.  Lindsay was wearing the shortest pink little shorts and her nails matched.  Unbelievably hot.  Later in the evening, Sean and Lindsay wrote wishes on lanterns and sent them up into the sky.

Final date with Catherine the disgusting - Gross.

The End for One, a Proposal for Another - Shockingly, Sean says goodbye to Lindsay. The most shocking part is what he said, "I love you. That's the hardest part. I love you." After that, we finally find out who sent Sean the letter that Chris Harrison delivers, which has been driving people crazy in previews for weeks. The letter turns out to be a romantic gesture from Catherine, playing on the fact that they've exchanged notes throughout the season. After Catherine the disgusting accepts Sean's proposal, they ride off into the sunset... on an elephant... which somehow seems fitting because of how vile Catherine is. Gross.

After the Final Rose - During the After the Final Rose episode, Sean announced they plan to have their wedding aired on ABC later this year.

And the next Bachelorette is... Chris Harrison announced Desiree will be the next Bachelorette and the show will air this summer. I find this to be good news as Desiree was one of the frontrunners with Sean for a while.

So will it last? As sincere as Sean and Catherine look, I'd like to think that they will go through with a wedding.  But let's be honest.  Anyone who looks like Sean can't have time for anyone else.  He has to be in the gym 6 hours a day  and is completely obsessed with himself.  A now he's used to hearing every girl in American beg him to take his shirt off.  Although he is a self proclaimed Christian virgin, it's only a matter of time before he fucks up or Catherine gets tired of him.  Or it's a matter of time before Sean realizes how truly disgusting Catherine is and he kills himself for letting go of Lindsay who would have fucked him every night like a porn star.

1 comment:

Thanks for joining in the discussion! You pretty much kick ass.