Tuesday, July 3, 2012

WEEK 8 - The Bachelorette 2012 (Emily)

Hometown Date #1: Chris, the douche in Chicago
When describing the last rose ceremony to his mother, Chris referred to himself as a “hot mess.” Hot mess definition: An attractive person, generally female, that repeatedly engages in situations which could negatively impact his or her social, mental, societal, and legal reputation.  In other words, Chris is a douche.  He just has the worst facial expressions, and pretty much looks like a slow adult.  At the end, they showed Chris’s dad dancing with Emily.  You know he totally wants to bang her.  And he probably could if his only competition is his slow adult son.  I mean seriously, is anyone rooting for Chris? 
Hometown Date #2: Jef in Salt Lake City Utah
Jef’s parents weren’t there but his huge family was.  All went well and before it was over, Jef read something to Emily that he had written on his last flight home.  This would have been completely cheesy with anyone else, but somehow with Jef, it just works.  He’s romantic, emotional and added things in his note about how he would be with Ricky.  He’s the man.    
Hometown Date #3: Arie in Scottsdale AZ
Arie took Emily for a ride in his indi car.  She described Arie as “stupid hot.”  While meeting the family, they all start speaking Dutch which makes Emily uncomfortable and she expresses how his family is way different compared to the other families she’s met.
Hometown Date #4: Sean in Dallas TX
When they meet, Sean is wearing loafers with no socks.  For this alone, she should have walked off this date.  When Emily finally meets Sean’s family, he drops the bomb… that HE STILL LIVES AT HOME!  Sean shows Emily his room which is messy and full of stuffed animals.  Sean expresses how he wishes his mom would have cleaned up before they came over.  Emily is done.  Everything good she ever thought has been shattered.  Unfortunately, he was joking.  I somehow still hope it’s true.  Sean’s parents are shocked that he’s “given” himself to a girl cause he’s never done that before.  THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT I’VE BEEN SAYING! He’s a player.  Dump him now.  As Emily drives away, he runs after the car to kiss her one last time.  Romantic?  Maybe.  Desperate plea from a man who’s never known commitment and probably lives with his parents?  Most likely. 
Who's left?
  1. Jeff
  2. Arie
  3. Sean – safe from group date

Voted off: 
Chris, the slow adult – as predicted 

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