Tuesday, June 5, 2012

WEEK 4 - The Bachelorette 2012 (Emily)

Date #1: Doug, father
Before the date, the guys were picking on Doug knowing how nervous he was about it.  Arie actually came off looking badly if you ask me.  He seemed to be the biggest bully and I was shocked to see that in Arie.  On the date, Doug and Emily wrote a postcard to his son which Doug thought was sweet.  During dinner Emily asked him to list his flaws cause he seems too perfect.  It's possible that he's just too dull.  He seriously doesn't seem to have a personality.  Alas, he got a rose.

Group Date
The group date had a boat race challenge.  Winners got to spend more time with Emily.  When the winners arrived, Ryan, Pro Sports Trainer/cocky douche, toasted to his "trophy wife" which didn't sit right with anyone including Emily.  He just has a stupid way with words and I was shocked that he got a rose in the rose ceremony.  Jef got some alone time with Emily on the beach and she badly wanted him to kiss her but he never did.  Sure enough, he also wanted a kiss.  Jef seems to have this shy, boyish charm about him.  He in turn, received a rose.  

Date #2: The dreaded 2 on 1 with John "Wolf" and Nate, accountant
Niether guy seems to have much personality.  They all went cliff jumping then cave dining.  John pretty much got the rose because he's older.  Nate seemed like more of an emotional guy in a good way.  He expressed how happy he is with his family and life.  But Emily said he's too young???  Stupid.

Before the Rose Ceremony
Chris, Corporate Sales Director talks to Doug, father one on one.  Chris asks Doug why he thinks he's a better fit than himself and seems very threatened and immature and just comes off as an ass.  Doug had no idea why he was so angry.  Chris is absolutely a douche.

Who's left?
  1. Kalon, helicopter douche
  2. Ryan, Pro Sports Trainer
  3. Jeff, Entrepreneur/CEO of a Bottled Water company - safe from group date
  4. Arie, Race Car Driver
  5. Sean, Mr. Faith is important to me
  6. Doug, Father - safe from Date #1
  7. Chris, Corporate Sales Director
  8. John "Wolf", Data Destruction Specialist - safe from Date #2 
  9. Travis, Advertising Sales Rep
  10. Alejandro, Mushroom Farmer
Voted off
Nate, Accountant - sent home from Date #2
Charlie, Recruiter - rose ceremony
Michael, long hair guy - rose ceremony

Share your thoughts regarding week 4!  Previews show someone calling Emily's daughter "baggage!"  My guess is Ryan.

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