Monday, July 23, 2012

WEEK 10 FINALE - The Bachelorette 2012 (Emily)

As I write this final blog closing out season 8 of The Bachelorette 2012 with Emily, I'm listening to Peter Cetera "Glory of Love" as we heard in the video montage at the end of the episode.... which was completely cheesy as hell.  Although I must say, not only am I secure enough in my manhood to write a Bachelorette blog, but I can also admit that I totally sang along with the whole song.  Kick ass!  

Well, this finale was absolutely unique.  It starts out with a live studio audience and I'm left wondering what the hell happens in the show in order for them to come up with the studio audience idea to kill time; which is exactly what they used it for.  Killing time.  There were a few moments where you heard the live audience laughter during the show and I was about to get pissed cause it completely distracting and not in the true nature of the show up til now.  Luckily, their volume was low and we didn't hear them more than a few times.

So the show kicks off with Jef meeting Emily's parents, which couldn't possibly go any better.  I would have enjoyed that segment a little more if I wasn't distracted by Emily's brother's crooked mouth.  Holy shit that was creepy!  

Arie's meeting with her parents went well as a whole, but started very awkwardly.  Arie admits that he rambles when he's nervous and he doesn't come off well at first.  That quickly changes though and the family can't choose between the two guys which leaves Emily with no help.

Has anyone noticed how horrible the grammar is with the people from the Bachelor and Bachelorette?  For instance, last season, most of the girls would say things like, "I think Brad and I's relationship is great."  Really?  Brad and I's???  Ugh.  I just want to point out that not only is Jef a great guy in every way, he also uses proper grammar like "Emily's and MY relationship."

Final date with Jef
Jef's "date" was spent with Rickie playing at the pool.  Emily was still hesitating on whether or not to let either guy meet Rickie.  Jef told Emily to put herself in his shoes.  Would she propose to someone if she's never met their child.  Made total sense to her and she was confident enough in Jef so they spent the whole day with Rickie, which couldn't have gone any better.  Jef was a natural and very excited.  The next day Rickie asked her mommy if Jef could come back over and play.  If Emily was looking for a sign as for which guy to pick, there is no bigger sign that hearing that from her daughter!

The Twist
With 49 minutes left in the show, Emily talked to Chris Harrison and explains how she doesn't even want to go on the final date with Arie, which made Bachelorette history.  She knows that Jef is the one.  Naturally, she is broken because she did love Arie and doesn't want to break his heart.  Skip to the "date" with Arie and he's so excited to see her.  The comments he makes to the camera are just excruciatingly painful as he has no idea she's coming to say goodbye.  Arie begins making some witch doctor love potion shit which blatantly has no effect on reality.  Emily shows up and we witness another awkward and tearful farewell.  Arie is blindsided.  

At the end while Emily waits for Jef to arrive, we hear her say things like how she's unsure about accepting a proposal because she doesn't want to be that girl, the one who gets engaged 3 times that all end unsuccessful.  Most likely we hear this to create suspense.  When Jef shows up, Emily tells him that she never went on the date with Arie, she sent him home, and Jef is the only person she's seeing today.  Jef is elated, says a bunch of romantic shit cause he's awesome, gets on one knee, and 10 seconds later, Emily says yes.

Best part of the entire season!
For me, it was the cheesy video montage with "Glory of Love" in the background.  They show highlights of Emily and Jef meeting, the dates they went on, and first kiss.  What made it amazing is how they mixed in Jef playing with Rickie and the three of them as a family.  Right after the proposal, Rickie runs out and the three of them walk off hand - in hand - in hand while Emily says, "We did it!"  The viewers aren't only left with the satisfaction of seeing the Bachelorette fall in love.  We are left with comfort of knowing that a 6 year old little girl has a daddy... who is excited to be in her life and is best friends with her mommy.  For me this was more satisfying than any other season.  

After the Final Rose:
Emily sees Arie again and we find out how Arie flew to see her but only left his journal that she did not read.  He had hopes of either finding closure, or creating a new beginning.  We find out that Arie gets the closure he needed from a few phone calls to his good friend Jef.  Jef comes out and luckily we find out that things are going well.  Jef plans to move to where Emily lives because he doesn't want to disrupt Rickie's life.  The plan is to get his own place for a while and eventually live together somewhere that suits all of them.  No official wedding date planned although Emily expressed how she'd like a Spring wedding.  

And they lived happily ever after! 

Upcoming TV appearances:
Monday night - Jimmy Kimmel
Tuesday morning - Live with Kelly 

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Thanks for joining in the discussion! You pretty much kick ass.