Tuesday, February 12, 2013

WEEK 6 - The Bachelor 2013 (Sean)

This week Sean takes the whores to the St. Croix sandy beaches, the finest in the Virgin Islands… which is ironic considering there isn’t one virgin hole on the girls he brought.

Date #1: AshLee
AshLee, with two capital letters in her name, is honest about Tierra the Tierrible Tierrorist… and Sean is thankful for her honest opinion????  What the hell?  Anyone else who has tried to warn him about Tierra, he scolded them for wasting their time by talking about her and sent them home!  AshLee was brave to give him an honest answer knowing how he’s reacted to others.  Sean’s positive response was just confusing and keeping her around is even more confusing because of her unattractiveness.   

At dinner, AshLee made some huge deal out of getting married as a Junior in high school and divorced as a Senior.  Sean didn’t give a shit.  She really thought it’d be a big deal.  No one cares.  

Date #2: Tierra the Tierrible Tierrorist
Sean and Tierra walked the streets of some 3rd world country or some shit.  Random parades were going on, because that’s what happens in scary movies.  I don’t know how they weren’t brutally raped and murdered.  Tierra thought Sean was distant and later blamed AshLee for it and possibly justifiably so.  But yeah, I’m pretty sure if they didn’t have cameras on them they would have been anally raped by the natives. 

Group Date: Catherine, Lindsay, Desiree
They went on some lame date involving a sunrise and sunset in which they couldn’t actually see.  Who cares.  They were in bikinis most of the time and that’s most important.  Lindsay gets the rose because she’s freakin hot and obviously looks the best in her bikini.  The date started with Sean waking the girls up and you hear Lindsay scream that she’s naked.  That’s right.  Let’s not forget when Lindsay told Sean that she sleeps naked.  Never question why this girl ever gets a rose and don’t be surprised when she wins the whole thing.  Naked.

Date #3 Lesley
Lesley runs up to Sean and in her voiceover she says, “Sean makes me warm up inside,” which translates to “My vagina starts dripping every time I see Sean.  The amount of secretion is overbearing sometimes and I have to ring out my panties into a glass.”  Why a glass you ask?  Only Lesley could answer that… that sick, sick, dirty girl.

Sean hangs out with his sister
The editors do a great job of merging the footage of Tierra confronting AshLee about sabotaging their date and Sean talking to his sister about whether or not Tierra is best to keep around.  Best quote of the show was Tierra saying, “I can’t control my eyebrows!”  She is just fantastic.  Well Sean goes into the house in hopes to have Tierra meet his sister but it’s right in the middle of her meltdown.  Sean sends her home because he finally realizes she’s out of her fucking mind.  I’m sure past Bachelor Ben wishes he would have done the same with Courtney.

On a side note, Sean's sister is kinda hot.  It would have been cool if he made-out with her.

Later in the evening, Sean requests that they skip the cocktail party, and he sends home Lesley because he feels their relationship is not where it ‘should be’ at this point.  This came as a complete shock merely because of how disgusting Catherine looks.

Who’s left for hometown dates:
  1. AshLee
  2. Catherine the disgusting
  3. Desiree
  4. Lindsay, smoking hot

Sent Home
  1. Tierra the Tierrible Tierrorist
  2. Lesley
In week 7 we get to meet the chicks’ families and the previews highlight one of their brothers ready to kick Sean’s ass… because that’s what you do when you meet someone new… on national television.  

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