Thursday, February 7, 2013

WEEK 5 (PART 2) - The Bachelor 2013 (Sean)

Date #1: Catherine
Wore onesies, drank hot chocolate and played in the snow.  No they’re not 4 years old, they’re just stupid. 

Group Date:
The chicks canoe to some crappy beach and then take the Polar Plunge.  Lesley M. wins an award for most smoking hot body in a bikini.  Broads half naked and screaming… best date yet!  Tierra causes drama again and although it may have been serious this time, people really don’t care.  It’s getting old.  The fact that she’s still around means Sean loves playing the knight in shining armor role and loves saving the damsel in distress.  Later that night, Lesley M. talks about Tierra and says, “Watch your back. We have a Tierrorist on our hands.”  Lesley M. wins a second award for creativity!  Sean gifts the rose to Lesley M. on their group date explaining they have “turned a corner”.

Sean randomly sends home Sarah, the amputee because he’s not feeling it.  It’s amazing she’s lasted this long if you ask me.

Date #2: Desiree
Rappelling down some mountain or some shit to a picnic.  They do seem to enjoy one another’s company.  I like Desiree but not as much as Lesley M. or Lindsay.

Before the rose ceremony:
Holy freakin crap!  Lindsay spends some one on one time with Sean and tells him that she’s not going to kiss him… although she badly wants to.  This is probably the hottest things a girl could ever do to a guy.  Her playfulness was such a freakin turn-on.   They tried to talk but she continued giggling because she badly wanted to kiss him, which she eventually begged Sean to do.  Plus she sleeps naked.  Unbelievably hot. 

AshLee gave Sean some story about having to control everything.  Then she gave him a blindfold that signified giving Sean control.  So 50 shades of gray later, he makes out with her with the blindfold on.  Someone admitting to having control issues might not make the best long-term mate.

Selma brings shame to her family by kissing Sean on national television… which she does for nothing considering he dumped her.

Who’s left:
  1. AshLee F.
  2. Catherine
  3. Tierra the Tierrible Tierrorist
  4. Desiree
  5. Lesley M.
  6. Lindsay, smoking hot

Sent Home
  1. Sarah, the amputee
  2. Daniella
  3. Selma

Sean and his remaining bachelorettes head to the St. Croix Virgin Islands where apparently there’s even more Tierra drama.  I know.  Shocking.  Lesley M. and Lindsay are my top two right now.

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