Wednesday, February 6, 2013

WEEK 5 - The Bachelor 2013 (Sean)

This episode five was probably the tensest one of The Bachelor 2013 so far.  Sean sent home more than one woman, leaving behind one woman who everyone else thinks is completely wrong for him.  It's starting to sound a lot like when Bachelor Ben Flajnik was blindsided by Courtney Robertson.
Date #1: Lindsay
Lindsay is quickly becoming a favorite.  They hit it off all night and once again assures everyone that she’ll probably win. 
Group Date:
On the group date, the broads were broken into two teams as they took on some white trash relay race.  The red team (Selma, Desiree, Robyn, and Sarah) won while the blue team (Ashlee, Catherine, Lesley M., and Daniella) was sent home.  Sean feels bad and invited the blue team to the cocktail party anyway despite having lost the competition which of course pissed everyone off.  Unfortunately the chicks did not find out Tierra crashed the group date cocktail party. But Daniella did end up getting a rose after her crying spell.  Girls are figuring out that if you play a victim, you get a rose.
Date #2: The dreaded 2 on 1 date with Tierra the Tierrible and Jackie, Fuck-Me-Eyes
Tierra dominates the whole thing as always and leaves Jackie in the dust which is just stupid.
Before the rose ceremony:
Robyn ultimately confronts Tierra and the altercation turns out to be the first time Sean Lowe finally sees a glimpse of her true colors. You would think this might set off alarms in his head, but no such luck. Other broads, including Desiree, Lesley H. and Jackie also try to warn Sean of Tierra’s dramatic personality but to no avail.
Who’s left:
  1. AshLee F.
  2. Selma
  3. Daniella,
  4. Catherine
  5. Tierra the Tierrible
  6. Desiree
  7. Sarah, the amputee
  8. Lesley M.
  9. Lindsay, smoking hot
 Sent Home
  1. Jackie, fuck-me-eyes
  2. Robyn, the black chick

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