Thursday, August 8, 2013

WEEK 10 THE FINALE - The Bachelorette 2013 (Desiree)

The Bachelorette 2013 season with Desiree Harstock, AKA Des, came to an end August 5, as Des chose the man with whom she wants to spend the rest of her life.

The show begins with Desiree still feeling crushed that Brooks is gone and that devastation has made her reevaluate how she feels about the last two guys. She requests that she have one more date with each of them before they meet her family.

Final date with Drew - Drew begins to enjoy his final date with Des but it doesn't take her long to drop the bomb of letting him go.  Des has thrown out the Bachelorette playbook as she could have had both guys meet her family. Similarly, the last Bachelorette Emily sent her runner up home before the guys had a chance to pick out rings.

Before the last date with Chris, we get to watch Des get out of bed and get ready.  Enjoy this sequence and feel free to touch yourself.

Final date with Chris - Apparently two weeks have passed since her heartbreak from Brooks.  On Chris's final date, he showed a friendlier goofier side of himself.  Maybe he was always like this and I just didn't notice with the other guys in the running, but it seems that Chris wouldn't be a bad choice.  Chris goes on a date and meets her family all the while assuming Drew is still in the game.  Here are some more pictures to remind us of how lucky Chris is, because Des is so fucking hot.

The climax of the finale, besides when I paused the show on Desiree's ass to beat off, was when Chris attempted to get down on one knee and Des pulled him back up.  She wanted him to know that she was so blindsided by her own feelings towards Brooks that she was unable to see that Chris was everything that she was looking for.  In other words, he's second best.  But Chris was alright with that and got on one knee anyway.

After the Final Rose - We got a chance to see some old favorites as well as Catherine the disgusting.  Here's Catherine looking just as gross as ever.

Jackie, aka Fuck Me Eyes

Titties McMammaries

And last but not least, Lindsay, the girl who Sean sent home so that he could be with Catherine the disgusting.  Even when Sean found out Lindsay sleeps naked, he still sent her home, leading us to believe that Sean in indeed no more evolved than Drew's mentally challenged sister.

And the next Bachelor is... Chris Harrison announced that Juan Pablo will be the next Bachelor airing January 2014.

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